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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Public Cut Out of Planning for Downtown

This is just backwards. There's 12 blocks of Downtown that are being planned by an un-named staff team and the public is not being involved at all?

What would it take for the Edgewater to move forward . . .

Read it and weep, neighbors . . .

What the Council Will Be Talking About Tonight (Updated)

Here's the items that they want to talk about, the rest of the items will likely be on the "consent agenda" unless someone shows up to speak on an issue or an alder pulls it off for some reason.

Dead Trees

Happy, happy. Joy, joy. The city will pick up your tens of thousands of dead trees . . .

What’s All the Fuss About

In my last post, I told you how the county parks staff sucks. Well, here's the resolution in question, the situation at Occu-Camp...

City Week Ahead

19 of 22 (86%) meetings before 5:30 when people who wok 'til 5:00 can make it to testify. 9 of 22 (41%) meetings at 4:30 or earlier. Lobbyist only please!

Bloggity Alders

Do you have one?

The Beginning of the End of Bus Wraps?

Music to my ears! Sanity returns to City of Madison government!

Council Meeting and Wed – Fri City Week Ahead

Ok, here's the rest of it. They added several meetings yesterday, so it got a little longer.

United for Funding Statement on City Budget (Updated)

The coalition of city and county funded non-profits had this to say about the operating budget amendment for tonight. While $137K would have solved the whole problem, $50K goes a long ways . . . but still, watch for cuts at some of your favorite agencies and clients who have growing needs and less services.

The Most Expensive Meetings in Town?

The Edgewater? I'm thinking probably not. I was at a meeting last night with probably 20 paid non-profit staff in the meeting, and over the next few weeks and months, that will play itself out over, and over, and over. And it makes me wonder, how much of the money we are vying for is being spent in these meetings? Despite efforts to streamline the process, it still seems silly. More complicated than the development process that is getting all the attention, take a peek!

Scott McDonell: Concerned about Roads and Bridges?

Invest in Rail