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Topics related to the city of Madison.

This is a Crazy TIF Deal

If the TIF boundary change isn't accepted, the city will go ahead with a TIF-like deal for a project not in a TIF district. They'll still "pay back" the "loan" with their taxes.

Big Surprise.

Not. Who didn't see this coming. After further consultation with the public, yeah, sure. Which Monona Terrace Station do you want is not much of a choice.

Overture Amendments

The "Plan B" or private-private model, which is still a public-private model has a few issues yet to resolved. As many as the first model, I suspect. The council has just 21 recommendations for changes. If this takes as long as budget, they'll be there for a good 7 hours or more on just this item alone.

Maniaci: Screw the Public

They don't need proper notice . . .Maniaci sees no reason not to proceed with a vote at Plan Commission this evening on the Edgewater . . . so I'll explain it to her.

Need a Neighborhood Center – Speak Up!

The city is taking a year off from making decisions about which neighborhoods get resources and doing a study. If you feel like your neighborhood has needs, now is the time to let them know.

Capital Budget Presentations – Parking Utility

Still from last week Monday, but almost done . . . I hope.

Chamber of Commerce Endorses Cieslewicz

In case there was any question about Cieslewicz not only abandoning the left, and moving to the middle . . . he's now gone completely to the right side of the political scale . . .

Added City Meetings

Hate it when they do this . . . 4 more meetings that didn't make it to the clerk's office on time.

Campaign Registration Deadline Day Round Up

By 5:00 today, we'll have the final list of spring candidates for County Executive, Mayor, Alders, School Board and some judgeships.

Metcalfe’s 800 E Wash Project Doomed?

Uh, in this town, when the unions are against you . . . you have trouble getting votes on the City Council. Wonder how the committee that meets tonight will respond.

Plan Commission Recap on Downtown Plan

Also, live blogged, kind of . . . updates posted as I went along, kinda.

Want to Influence How the City Deals with Homelessness

Now is the time, this is the place.