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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Input On Judge Doyle Square?

Not much notice or publicity, but you might want to go to night - I'm sure the lobbyists will be there in full force.

County Week Ahead

I just can't blog at work, this should have taken 20 minutes to finish . . . an hour and a half later, no progress. So, it is what it is so far. Will finish tomorrow.

City Weekly Joke Ahead

Who knows if this is anywhere near what meetings will actually occur this week.

TRC Silent Auction Tonight!

Brink Lounge, 701 East Washington Ave., 5 - 7 pm . . . check out all the goodies and thank the donors!

More Changes to the City Week Ahead

Sigh . . .

Officer Shooting Police Department Procedure Changes

Here's the memo and updated standard operating procedure from the Madison Police Department regarding Officer Involved Critical Incidents.

Media? Hello, Is there anybody out there?

I had a dream the other night that I showed up for the city budget meeting and no one was there to report on it but me, a blogger. No "real media". Well . . . even tho the budget was over with before 10pm last night, I just watched Channel 3 report that you could testify tonight or tomorrow night on the city budget . . . sigh . . .

Live Blog of the City Council Budget Meeting

Let the games begin . . . all council members here. I had a dream last night that I was the only "media" to show up. Joe Tarr from the Isthmus is here keeping me company . . . no tv, no radio, might be a stray print person around here. Live blogged . . . no complaining about the errors.

Are We Really Going To Do This?

$17 - 47M in TIF to redevelop the Government East Parking Ramp and the Municipal Building into a hotel and other uses? Should we spend $8M or $1.5M more in 2014? Or pause while we rethink this? Council votes tonight!

City Budget Amendments Related to Homelessness

So, the final vote on the city budget will likely be tonight. 4 amendments of interest to folks who have been seeking services for our friends without homes in the community . . . 5 - 6 years later, might we finally get restrooms?

City Updates to Weekly Agenda

Such a ridiculous "weekly agenda" . . . there are 6 changes and 3 more possibly expected and who knows what else might happen?

TIF . . . Change our Policies or Not?

The Economic Development Commission recommended a bunch of changes last spring, the council created an ad hoc committee which has been meeting since July to review the recommendations and it seems they are contemplating some changes, but maybe not all those recommended by the Economic Development Commission . . . lets catch up with that conversation. Is the candy store wide open with no one there to guard it? Or are the EDC recommendations falling a little flat.