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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The Voters are Going to Trample the Homeless!

There's a primary in district 2, quick, move the benches! It's a safety issue! Ya gotta be effing kidding me, I couldn't make this shit up. (And yes, call 911, I dropped the F-bomb)

4 more city meetings . . .

Continue to expect changes . . .

Which Community Service Programs Will Get Funding?

There is a public hearing at the Labor Temple tonight and many groups are losing money compared to the funding they got in the past. Here's the winners and losers and those who are keeping their flat funding for two more years, which one might (and should) argue is a loss. You can't continue providing the same services with the same amount of money . . . costs go up every year.

I’m Furloughed/Laid Off this Week, Week Ahead (Final)

Ok, have some extra blogging time on my hands this week, I'm furloughed and can sleep in, but then watch for posts throughout the day.

A Cowards Call to Arms

Steve King didn't hold back when he talked about the opponents of Shiva Bidar-Sielaffs resolution on immigration that passed the council unanimously. And they are fighting back.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

1/3 of the way to making this a habit . . . 21 days, right? On day seven of consecutive round ups!

How to Decide to Demolish a Landmark

George Austin kept saying that we had to think about what was going to go in place of the landmarked buildings or that is should "add value" if we demolished a landmark when talking about the project on the 100 State St block. That was still bugging me, I don't see that anywhere in the standards for demolishing a landmark. He also said that Landmarks Commission made a recommendation to the Plan Commission about a demolition, which also, clearly was not true. They issue a Certificate of Appropriateness and its appealed to the council (think Edgewater). For his comments see here. For the real standards and procedure, see below.

Is A Broken Elevator that Big of a Deal?

Yes, it is.

WYOU Moving On . . .

This is what has been distracting me all week, (I'm on the board of WYOU as well as being a producer) . . . laying off three very good people and trying to figure out what needs to be done to keep the station running. What the station will become in this new era is up to us! If you want to help, let me know! And, hey, if you can donate, please do. It's more important than ever!


I asked someone in city hall, who has been around for a long time, what they thought of the "new council" and after first pausing they said it was "average". I laughed. That sums it up perfectly.

Homeless, but still deserves respect

Daniel Callahan was recently ruthlessly kicked off the homeless issues committee and called a racist by County Executive Joe Parisi - but he is willing to fight back. Demands apology in the least, reinstatement or appointment of another homeless person in the least

Occupy Updates and Action Plan

So, eventful day again yesterday, here's all the updates and what you can do to help