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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Update on City Council Legislative Analystic Position

City Alders plow ahead despite concerns (motion failed) by Personnel Committee, you know, the experts

Housing is a Human Right – Now what will we do about it?

A community summit to build the housing justice movement in Dane County. APRIL 27, 2013 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

What’s the Council Talking about Tonight?

These items, and anything anyone shows up to talk about.

Unions and Community Services, Together!

Wow, this is a first!

Joe Parisi Can’t Be Serious!

I haven't seen anything so petty and disgusting and hearless since the days of Dave Cieslewicz

Budget Time! (Yup.)

Now is the time to get involved in the city budget - not budget night in November.

Edgewater Round Up

Here's some of the stuff that has come flying out in the past couple days.DOCUMENTSTIF Staff ReportEngineers ReportPublic Access AgreementMansion Hill Steering Committee ReportStaff...

CDBG Input for 5 year plan

I ended up writing it out, won't make the meeting tonight, so thought I would share. Please take the survey monkey survey and send in your comments!

Where is that mysterious Project-Labor Agreement for the Edgewater?

No one seems to know . . . has anyone seen it?

Soglin’s Thoughts on State St.

I attended a meeting with the Capital Neighborhoods neighborhood association and heard Paul Soglin's thoughts on State St. I didn't take my super detailed notes, only whatever I could type on my smart phone, but here's a summary - on a wide range of issues.

Another Trip to Europe with FANTASTIC results!!

Ok, I think this just shows really poor judgement and it looks terrible, but I'm glad it changed this elected official's mind.

Easy to Fix Important Issue for the “Home Challenged”

A friend who stayed at Occupy and now has no safe place to stay sent this in an email to a bunch of us yesterday . . . an issue you may have heard me talk about before and likely cost me my election in 2009, but its real. Listen to what he has to say . . .