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Topics related to the city of Madison.

TEN Changes to the City Week Ahead

Actually, 11. One cancellation. Yeah, there were only 19 meetings to start with. I think this is a new record . . .

County Week Ahead

Enjoy - budget time!

City Week Ahead

Sigh, sure to be incomplete. Watch for updates later today and tomorrow.

City Operating Budget -Parks and Golf Enterprise

Also from Monday night at Board of Estimates.

Partial Shower Solution for the Homeless?

From . . . wait for it . . . Dave Wiganowsky! :)

The Future of Madison Policing


WYOU Garage Sale . . .

and news . . .

1852 – much different than today?

A friend of mine sent me this little blast from the past - sounds like they had rental problems way back then as well.

Are these YOUR Public Safety Issues

Long story short, I went to the Public Safety Review Board meeting. I went there for one reason, stayed for another. At the end of the agenda was an item about upcoming issues and this is their list.

6 more changes to the city week ahead

This makes 11 that were noticed, plus a few amended agendas as well. More than 1/3 of the agendas for the week.

Absurd Affordable Housing Market!

I am NOT picking on Porchlight! Seriously. But check this out - this is the "affordable housing" market we are working with . . .

Operating Budget – Overview (Council has $350,000 to play with)

Only two speakers. Here is the overview by the Finance Department Director - very helpful and informative!