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Topics related to the city of Madison.

what will the council talk about

UPDATED: What will the council talk about tonight?

This is currently what is planned, there are no items requested by alders for separation, so it could be a short meeting.  However, it can also change at the meeting.  This is an amended agenda with an additional item and one correction.

Occupy Madison Forced to . . . Occupy Dane County Parks

Bizarre twist of events made Occupy Madison accidental Occupiers. The Parks Staff are refusing to take our money - but we keep paying.no legal place It's been a bizarre week, yet again.
what will the council talk about

What will the council talk about tonight?

The council meeting started 2 minutes ago, hopefully I finish this before they end their meeting!

City of Madison Alder Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Reports

They are only required in districts 3, 12, 13 and 15. Here's what they show!

Mayor Capital Budget Press Conference

Ok, so, here's where the campaign promises get kept or broken . . . do you see what I see? (A picture says 1,000 words)

Catching Up with Oscar Mayer Area Strategic Assessment Report

The City of Madison Common council is about to adopt the report - meaning this will become city policy and directives, so what are they adopting? Here's a summary of the action taken and the summary of the 48 page report. It also includes a great appendix about Equitable Economic Development - which I think is the most interesting part of the report.
Round Up

Weekend & Monday Round Up (10/1/19) & Mo’ Meetings

Skipped yesterday, trying to catch up - here's what I have.

Right to Dream Too

It's a little awkward to think you know anything about a place by visiting for an hour, but here's some of my observations about the Right to Dream Too homeless "rest area" in downtown Portland, right at the entrance to the Chinatown area of the city - it was just a few blocks from our hotel.
Round Up

Round Up

Almost 20 different things in my email inbox I think readers of this blog might be interested in!  Cuz I can't make 20 more blogs than the ones I already do . . . 
ethics definition

School Board President Gloria Reyes Ethics Violation?

Tis the week to blog about ethics violations by current/former law enforcement! This one seems blatantly obvious!!!! And from the School Board President no less.
Round Up

Round Up

This round up is the bi-weekly round up of emails and info that reaches my email inbox that I think you might be interested in.  This one seems REALLY city heavy.

The Ghost of Public Education Future

I wrote about this subject recently, but want to expand a little more, on the topic (especially in lieu of the ongoing Madison...