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Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....

City Week Ahead

Looks very light . . . expect lots of changes.

Approvals Needed for Rhythm and Booms

Are the Alders left almost entirely out of that process?

Which of the 75 proposals ($2.5M) got the $200,000

That was a committee with a tough decision to make! And Shiva Bidar-Sielaff volunteered to be there!

Madison 4th Safest City in the U.S!

You'd never know it the way we talk around here. Here's the FACTS about downtown crime.

Mayor Uses Veto Power!

It's been a while since a Mayor has done this . . . or the County Executive . . . what issues was it?

Downtown/Lake Monona Rhythm & Booms?

Public Forum tonight.

“Tourist Rooming Houses” – Regulating AirBnB and the like in Madison

Madison is thinking about trying to regulate AirBnB-type rentals. It probably should, but it’d be helpful for them to step back and think about what we’re trying to accomplish. The proposal right now is terrible, but this may be one of the easiest examples ever of where just a little bit of common sense can amend it into something reasonable. There's a public meeting to discuss this all on Thursday, September 26th at 7:00pm.

Capital Budget Amendments at Board of Estimates

Discussions were a little over 2 hours, including public testimony. 17 amendments. And the capital budget is done now until November. Hope you didn't blink, it's pretty much over. The most time was spend on the (lack of) a daytime resource center for the homeless - supported by advocates and the business community and proposed by Alder Palm. And of course, the amendment failed due to the city/county struggle over who pays.

$200,000 for $2.5M of Need in Our Community

75 proposals ($2.5M) came in for the Emerging Opportunities Program that the Council approved $200,000 for. Here is what the staff is recommending. Committee meetings tomorrow night. Yeah, no needs here!

Late County Week Ahead

You only missed one meeting. 21 left to go!

City Week Ahead! Cancelled?

An unusual number of cancellations noted on the weekly schedule . . .