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Topics related to the city of Madison.

What’s In A Comment Policy

Comments on Madison.com and the Isthmus thedailypage.com can often get rough. Harsh comments and personal attacks and name calling - mostly done anonymously - are common. Check out the differences in the comments on these two posts about the same thing and the difference in the commenting policy

People of Color UP, Women DOWN

It's still a man's world baby! Even here in the City of Madison.

Occupy Madison Building Purchase

If you ever worked on a real estate project, you know it lives and dies, sometimes daily. Today, the project is dead, for now. But the Isthmus just wrote a story that was, in my mind, premature. But hey, maybe someone out there can help us solve our current problem . . .

Stopping the Train

What's so scary about a train? Is Blaska right, is that why people voted for Walker, or is there a whole lot more to it? And what happens if they are successful? We lose jobs and millions of dollars in our Wisconsin economy. It makes no sense.

You Mean I Could Have Been Drinking at the Council Meetings?

Apparently, its against the rules, but the police can't do anything about it without an ordinance. They didn't really talk much about that tho, didn't even question it, it was more about who was stepping on who's toes . . . and the homeless.

City Maintains AAA Bond Rating

Yup . . . no surprise . . .

Council Cranky about Overture

Wow. They weren't very happy about voting for either of these items, the "comfort" resolution or the review committee.

Midweek Morning Round Up

Two days in a row . . . I hope I'm back on track for daily updates!

Occupy Still There . . . County Should Stop Bluffing and Communicate

It's all beginning to blur together, county threatens to kick us out or give us tickets, we rally troops, nothing happens. Lather. ...

County Board Meeting . . . Tonight?

Rescheduled due to the storm and earlier than usual - at 6:00

Alleged Gang Members Denied Due Process

This is an awful policing tactic, why bother with evidence and probable cause and all those pesky rights and due process afforded people in our criminal justice system if you can just accuse them of something they have not done yet and get them deported without letting them have an opportunity to defend themselves . . . and this time, its not the Sheriff, its the Madison Police Department . . .

3 inches of snow but . . .

no snow emergency. And we wonder why people can't figure out when to move their cars . . . perhaps all this inconsistency is part of the problem.