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Topics related to the city of Madison.

3 inches of snow but . . .

no snow emergency. And we wonder why people can't figure out when to move their cars . . . perhaps all this inconsistency is part of the problem.

County Week Ahead

13 meetings here, but probably more complete!

Hey! Where’s the Public Notice on This!?

So, um, if the Mayor and alders are getting together with the business community tonight . . . don't you think you should know?!...

Firefighters Turn their Back on the Wisconsin State Journal

Drop their subscriptions. $6,000 worth.

City Meetings Added in the last 28 hours . . .

I am so annoyed by this . . . 4 so far . . . including the FREAKING ETHICS BOARD! There is no hope. The disregard towards the public is so engrained in the culture of city hall after Mayor Dave it is pathetic. Where are the watchdogs to make this better? We need Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway back!

Watch Allied Grow!

Call me a cynic, but I tend to think $9M spent towards these types of efforts would have a much bigger impact on the...

Rules for Tonight’s Council Meeting!

This was LONG overdue and crappy to put out right 5 hours before the meeting with no notice to the public. But I...

What Will the Council Talk About Tonght?

According to their consent agenda, only the things listed below and the items that people show up to talk about . . .

Thurs. – MLK Day Round Up

You'd think 5 days of news would be quite the challenge but besides the Packers and MLK day, there's not really that much.

Co-op Conference Coming: June 7th Tentatively.

A city Economic Development Conference. While everyone else was at the Landmarks Commission meeting last night, I was at home, sick, on my couch watching Board of Estimates and there's a few gens in there that weren't reported in the news.

Bus Stop Voter Registration!

More volunteers needed . . . League of Women Voters and City Clerks office is registering people at bus stops . . .. the process to get qualified to do so it outlined here as well. Remember, there is only one week to get people registered! Starting yesterday . . .

Christopher Richter: Why I’m Upset

Some thoughts about what is going on in Wisconsin.