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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Unbelievable Insult! Oh, and No Warming Center this Winter.

This is the insult: At the same time the county is proposing to cut TRC services entirely ($95,000) so they can pay for a day center, they are not going to have the permanent comprehensive day center, but instead proposing to spend $60,000. $30,000 of it they will give to Porchlight to drive people around to various services Nov 1 - March 31, including apparently dropping them off at the Tenant Resource Center. Excuse me, but WTF?

Loitering Ordinance? Again?

Last night a police officer suggested that one of the things that the alders could do to help with the issue of people with criminal intent (not homeless) hanging out at the top of State St. was to support a loitering ordinance made wanna do a Sue Bauman eye roll. Been here, done this. But it elicited an interesting set of comments on my facebook page.

Added Meetings this week . . .

Departments and staff that can't seem to get agendas in more tan 48 or 72 hours before the PUBLIC meetings. Can't tell if its incompetence or public avoidance, but no matter the motive, its annoying and embarrassing to the city.

Policies for the Capital Budget

Ever wonder what is in the capital budget and why . . . here's a start.

Capital Budget Presentations – IT

The last two nights the department heads or their stand-ins have been busy presenting their budgets as presented in the Mayor's budget I'll try to get them done as I have time then post a summary at the end. Here's the first one.

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

Rickert’s Reporting Gap

Today Chris Rickert had a column criticizing the Madison Metropolitan School Board for taking their eye off the ball of the achievement gap. First,...

County Comprehensive Planning Update

Ok, I went to the meeting last week. Of course, I was the only mere citizen, and there is a really good reasons...

Susan Pastor: Municipal Building – Offices? Or Hotel?

Madison’s Historic Municipal Building: City Offices or “Bold”, “Creative” Private Venture (and other problems with the Judge Doyle Square project)

First two changes (in two hours) to the Alleged Weekly Calendar

Annoying. Here's two more meetings already posted.

ANOTHER Problem with the Week Ahead Postings

Ok, I didn't really even think of this, but apparently, amended agendas are also a problem.

Sure to be Inaccurate City Week Ahead

Well, here's what I got.