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Topics related to the city of Madison.

How Development Really Gets Done

Send your lobbyist to talk to the Mayor and get the State Journal to print a favorable story.. It's so commonplace and understood, it appears in public documents, as a matter of fact. Nevermind the rules.

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .

The City Week Ahead

Operating budget season begins . . .

Snow Removal Reminder: Clear Sidewalks by Noon Today

From the City of Madison: The snow that started to fall on Friday, January 14, 2011 continued into Saturday morning. All snow and ice shall...

AHAA Endorsement: District 15

Hawk Sullivan vs David Ahrens

The City’s Transportation Plan: Monorail?!

I fought for and was a lead sponsor for a transportation plan when I was on the council, therefore, Mayor Dave (and therefore staff) opposed it. Now we have a Mayor that is more interested in doing what is right then what is politically expedient. The plan commission got an overview last night.

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

John Nolen Drive Closed this Weekend

Hopefully, you have already heard about this . . .

More Meetings & Reasons Why Meetings Are Not Noticed Earlier

I started asking the staff who can't get their agendas to the clerk's office by noon on Friday . . . why?

City Week Ahead

Budget, PFAS, F-35s, Top of State St, Council meeting, Salvation Army development and oh so much more!

City Week Ahead

Well, part of it . . expect 5 - 9 other meeting to be added throughout the week.

Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .

on Overture . . . ouch.