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City Week Ahead

My attempt to not work 30 hours in 2 days failed, I worked 28 hours, so my blogging suffered as I took the weekend off . . . but here's what I have for the week ahead.

Mayor’s Deal on Overture (Updated)

Well, here's the latest info . . . .just hours before the 7:00 meeting tonight.

High Speed Rail’s Next Stop: A Public Meeting Near You!

With a little more than a month before Scott Walker takes office and a series of public rallies behind us, the momentum is building...

Three Days In a Row Round Up!

Overture, Library and High Speed Rail meetings last night . . . and Radomski and Brandon announce for Mayor and County Exec . ....

TGIF Round Up

Sadly, it'll be more than an 8 hour day . . . and . . . I'm on the radio (Mitch's show) at 9:00 with Blaska . . . and Jed Sanborn.

No Snow Emergency Tonight Either?

Wow, this is an odd new strategy. 6 inches of snow last night, no snow emergency. 6 - 8 inches of snow tonight and no snow emergency. I think we need to define what a snow emergency now means so people can know what to expect.

Mayor Calls Emergency Council Meeting

Yeah, more shameless political pandering in an election year. Eyeroll.

People of Color UP, Women DOWN

It's still a man's world baby! Even here in the City of Madison.

How Bad Have the Needs/Funding Gaps in Dane County Gotten?

Here's a little taste from a few non-profits, NOT the Tenant Resource Center.

County Board to Vote on their Budget Tonight?

This budget season at the county board has been harder to follow than ever, and that's saying something since its near impossible to figure out their budget. But it might all be over tonight.

Headstart, K-4, K-5 and Open Enrollment Registrations/Applications

Just passing this along . . .

City Primary Week Ahead

Yup - its Monday again. Primary elections tomorrow.