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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The City Week Ahead

The first full week in a while where there wasn't a holiday or date where meetings couldn't be scheduled.

TEN Changes to the City Week Ahead

Actually, 11. One cancellation. Yeah, there were only 19 meetings to start with. I think this is a new record . . .

Fercristsake, more changes to the City Joke Ahead

Yeah, I'm so sick of this. Actually, I'm pissed about 2 of the 3 meetings here.

Ride the Drive – Northport!

Change of venue . . . could it be as cool as downtown? :)

Council Recap

Honoring resolutions, liquor licenses, committee appointments, Biolink TIF requirements removed and the City-County tax collection dispute with a goofy Pham-Remmele/Mayor exchange and [BK comments].

Tenants’ Rights Rollercoaster

I'm sitting in the capital, waiting for them to NOT do something, and to hear what they say about their inaction. Absurd, I know.

Screw This, We’re Going Home! Council Recap

Around 10:00 last night, with Michael Schumacher, Julia Kerr, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Mayor Dave Cieslewicz already absent, Tim Bruer, Steve King, Paul Skidmore and Joe Clausius decided they were just going to get up and walk out of the council meeting, breaking quorum.

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Complete! Sign on!

The Inclusionary Zoning law went away about a year and a half ago, a committee was formed, they were told to solve the problem without money and they have talked and talked and talked and talked and nothing has happened, cuz, how can it, without money? Now more than ever, we need a concerted grass roots effort to make sure our local government is doing more to expand housing opportunities for everyone in our community.

Everything You Need to Know about 2014 Capital Budget, So Far (Updated!)

Yeah people, the budget has begun. Tonight the council seeks input on their initial amendments for the Capital Budget that are due tomorrow at noon, to be voted on at the Board of Estimates on Monday!

Who Pays to Bury Poor People?

The county used to have a fund, it became a state function in last year's budget, but seems like that is not working out so well. Check this out.

Board of Estimates – Operating Budget Amendments

Board of Estimates - items 2 - 10 passed in one motion. Only two items left, a presentation by the Finance Director for the City's Life Insurance program and the budget item. This is mostly "live blogged" so not as precise and missed a few parts.

Madison Police Cracking Down on Free Speech

What!? Taking a page out of the Capital Police playbook?