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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Water Utility Meter Issue Likely Referred . . .

To much controversy, briefing isn't til next meeting.

Dane County Day Center to Provide for Basic Needs Proposed

Homeless Day Center!

Short Board of Estimates Meeting Recap

16 minutes.

Additional City Meetings

They missed a few again this week - here are the meetings hey added after Monday morning at 8 am.

Media? Hello, Is there anybody out there?

I had a dream the other night that I showed up for the city budget meeting and no one was there to report on it but me, a blogger. No "real media". Well . . . even tho the budget was over with before 10pm last night, I just watched Channel 3 report that you could testify tonight or tomorrow night on the city budget . . . sigh . . .

Still Here! Tiny House Village Updates

I got a little distracted this week . . . for a good cause!
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

Mostly cancellations, but not all. Yesterday most of the City Meetings still went on, seem like today they are too, but Wednesday and Thursday has a couple cancellations each.

What you really want to know . .. .

About that nearly 14 hour meeting . . .. Conditional UseMotion passes on voice vote, seems unanimous. The motion was to support the...

Additions to the Weekly Schedule

This is annoying. There have been TEN, (nah make that TWELVE) additions to the weekly schedule this morning in 5 (now 7) hours.

Where’s the News?! Round Up

Hard to round up . . . when there is not. much. there.

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

Giggle . . .

Board of Estimates is being moved tonight to 201 . . . so if you were interested in the budget meeting, go across the street because . . . drum roll please . . .