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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Breaking News: MPO Releases High Speed Rail Money

Thanks for the update from former Alder Robbie Webber.

Would You Care if Madison City Channel Went Away?

Over the past few months, a committee has been looking at what they can to do save $250,000 or about half the budget of the station due to loss of PEG funding. The first draft of their recommendations are out.

Where is the City’s Affordable Housing? Or . . . Rental Housing?

So, I have some staff people who are themselves looking for housing, and they are coming back and telling me new horror stories every day. The statistics are there to show things are bad . . . but in looking around, here's what I found.

Explanation of How We Got our Bike Boxes

This is an informational memo on the Ped Bike Motor Vehicle Commission agenda . . . there was no process, "staff" just decided to do it. No doubt with urging from the Mayor's office.

Bus Windows NOT shot out on North Side

Grrrr. How'd this happen?

County Week Ahead

Here's a start on it . . .oops, no, I finished!

Soglin Says More Capital Budget Cuts Needed

Last year it was easier . . . since there was so much that Mayor Dave was putting in the budget that never got built . . . this year, more cuts . . . this ought to be interesting.

Consent Agenda for Tonight

Edgewater, edgewater and edgewater related items. Plus, redistricting to be discussed.

Stand Up or Stand Aside?

New Madison Metro military recruiting ads . . .

6 more changes to the city week ahead

This makes 11 that were noticed, plus a few amended agendas as well. More than 1/3 of the agendas for the week.

Cathy Dethmers And “Just Say Ho!”

There's just no right way to say that, sorry Cathy! Check out my interview with Cathy Dethmers from the High Noon Saloon talkin' about 16 Years in the Madison Music Scene, along with what's going on at WYOU this week! WYOU's Rockin!

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...