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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Additions to the Weekly Schedule

This is annoying. There have been TEN, (nah make that TWELVE) additions to the weekly schedule this morning in 5 (now 7) hours.

Where’s the News?! Round Up

Hard to round up . . . when there is not. much. there.

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

Giggle . . .

Board of Estimates is being moved tonight to 201 . . . so if you were interested in the budget meeting, go across the street because . . . drum roll please . . .

Overture! 12:30am, and now, Questions of Staff . . .

Live blogging, part 4, 7 hours and still going . . .

Neighborhood Member Responds

To Bridget Maniaci's characterization of their last meeting on the Edgewater . . .

Snow Emergency Tonight (Updated)

They say there was 3.1 inches of snow, so they'll plow residential streets and declare a snow emergency . .. . is there any question about why this is confusing to people? Didn't have to move your cars that night, but yes for the next two nights if you live downtown. And yesterday they said they wouldn't plow the streets, today they are.

County Board Recap

County Board meeting and hearing on redistricting, in less than 45 minutes.

Still $XXX in Cuts to Human Services

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds, and more good news for some came from Health and Human Needs, but even if Personnel and Finance pass all the amendments, there are still XXX in cuts to Human Services.

County Board Budget is NOT Good News

The spin is killing me. Saying there are a "few concerns" but a lot of good news is pure bullshit. After 10 years of constant cuts and flat funding (essentially cuts as costs rise and funding stagnates) for non-profits that are the work horses of the human services system, this is nearly laughable . . . or cryable.

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