Madison Metro Bus Fare Increase Hearing (Final)

In search of the 3rd way . . . There's a long version and a short version. Short version goes like this ....

Fuel costs are . . . down?

This fuel cost argument isn't exactly panning out. The WSJ did a story that started to explain that the WORST BUDGET EVER IN...

Transit & Parking Tid Bits

This isn't a complete blow by blow or all the agenda items, but here's some highlights - Bus depot, route changes, Carl DuRocher, etc.CARL...

Regional Mass Transit in Action

Portage to Madison . . . started June 1.As of June 1, 2009 there is a shuttle once a day from Portage to theNorth...

Thursday’s Thoughts

Again, today, still much to blog about. So here's the schmorgasborg.(How often do you get to use that word?!)D'ANGELOThis whole D'Angelo thing is...

There Are Alternatives to Cutting Routes

The issues with the Transit and Parking Commission's decision not to raise bus fares seem to get more and more muddied by the day....

A Madison Metro RTA!!

So, if all went well, the City of Madison and surrounding areas should have state authority to create an RTA!!! At least it...

Updates on Bus Fare Increases – TPC Decision Appealed.

It's all in a day's (not) work. Here's what happened and the sequence of events, as near as I can tell!11:45 - Mayor...

Same as it ever was . . . .

I thought we referred the RTA Resolution to the Mayor's office to be worked on. I'm still seeing version one on the agenda...

$2 Bus Fares for What?

Gas prices, right? Wrong! Here's what increased bus fares would pay for:1. Fifty thousand dollars for reestablishment of the popular “Route 10”...

Advertsing . . . and Fiscal Awareness

One of the latest mantras by the band of merry moderates on the City Council is that we need advertising to fill the gaps...

Madison Buses – A System for Traditional Commuters

Last night, I attended a 4 hour public hearing about the proposed bus route changes. This post is late this morning because I...