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Please Hold . . .

I have 6 or 7 blog posts half done . . . and about 25 ideas for others . . . so, check back...

What is the Purpose of these Tavern Dress Codes?

I've heard about them . . . now you can see them! (without going to these bars that most of my readers would never go to!) Yeah, I sacrificed my Thursday night and took a field trip!

Random Round Up

Public Market Forum and meetings, Warner Park Visioning, Neighborhood House Community Rummage Sale, Madcity Chickens 2015 Backyard Coop Tour and Madison Bus Route changes.

Two More Demolitions & A New Preservation Planner

You know, none of these have been too controversial and they seem to be growing day by day . . . interesting, eh? Oh, and old news about the new preservation planner.

More Messed Up Moving Daze – Camp Randall Area

Actually, on Saturday morning, when parents are likely to have time to assist with moving there's a mini-marathon in the downtown area, plus Farmers Market and Football Family Fun Day. Sounds like no fun!

New Proposals for Houses in James Madison Park

The house furthest West has a likely use. Now we have more proposals for the Collins House and the one in the middle (The Ziegelman House)

Feelin’ Better Round Up

I still feel a little crappy, but much, much better than Monday, and even better than yesterday, so I call that progress. Here's a quick round up of things that I found over the last few days.

Did Anything Happen Yesterday Besides the President’s Visit Round Up

Four city meetings cancelled, but most not til yesterday, but they still had the Library Meeting, the Overture Meeting and the Emerald Ash Borer...

City Budget Redux – Lazy Live Blog

I have only the time I am sitting here to do this, so it is what it is.

2 more Mayoral Forums

Wednesday (south) and next Monday (north). Join the candidates for Madison Mayor in a free public forum. Wednesday, February 4th from 6-8 PM This will be held...

Mahoney/Blaska Collusion on Immigration?

Blaska gives Mahoney politics and strategy advice on the immigration issue and Mahoney asks for support when it goes to committees. That's about all I was able to tell as the 4 week long quest for information ends in a fizzle/incompetency.

Combine CDBG and Community Services Committees?

Are you insane?!