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Election Day Voter’s Guide – Common Council (Finished, For Now)

Brenda's picks, websites, endorsements, election night parties and more . . . for those of you who are going to call or text or email me and ask me what to do, here you go!

Evicted! Right Here in Dane County!!!

Join us on Thursday to discuss the UW-Madison Urban and Regional Planning Evicted in Dane County, Wisconsin, A Collaborative Examination of the Housing Landscape. (See Below for Major Findings)

The Plundering of Village(Cottage Grove)Government!

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” – Thomas...

E. Wash Development Updates

800 Block South Side, Madison Dairy Redevelopment, Mautz Paint latest development . . .

Catching Up with the Task Force on Government Structure

I video recorded the last meetings of the Task Force on Government Structure and their two subcommittees on Boards Committees and Commission and the subcommittee on the Common Council. Both subcommittees reported back to the main committee and have written reports on their identification of which issues they think should be looked at and what alternatives they might have. So I've included those reports as well. The subcommittees meet again today and tomorrow to continue their work.

Demo, Demo, Demo

More demolitions . . . I think I've neglected to post a few, so some might be repeats . . . or not! There's 13, and a couple may have been acted on already.

Finance Committee Recap

They had a huge agenda, 38 items, but the meeting was only an hour and a half. And 12 minutes of that was waiting for it to get started. They discussed 6 of the 38 agenda items - personnel changes, the merger of the Treasurer's Office and Finance, leasing equipment from the Navy for the police department, the Public Market, EOP funding and Tree Lane.

Vicki Hit A Cop!

Vicki Mckenna was asked a legitimate question recently by Dylan Brogan.  Something along the lines of "Do you think that the police at the U2...

An Overview of Bus Rapid Transit by Al Matano

I organized an informational meeting on the on the future of transit in Dane County prior to the August meeting of the Dane County...

Memo to Explain Changes at Salvation Army

This goes with the FAQs from yesterday.

I May Have Done Something Stupid

But, thanks to the following people . . . I think its ok! :)

Jim Villa — $178,000/Yr + Cadillac Bennies!

The UW system created a new job- Vice President of University Relations at the University of Wisconsin System. Many immensely qualified people applied for...