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April 2nd Election Day

Today is election day and its incredibly important that we show up in force today to VOTE! I Highly recommend: 1. Ed Fallone...

Will Council/County Board Chambers Ever Get Fixed Up?

There has been money in the budget for it . . . So what's the deal?

Common Council Recap

Whoa! The return of the council recap! But, uh, I kinda live blogged it at the meeting and don't have a ton...

Health and Human Needs Budget Amendments

They have one more meeting, there could be more amendments coming, but here is what they did last night. County board amendments shitshow, part 2.

Madison is “Open for Business!”

Yeah, that was proclaimed loud and clear by a local Downtown Business Leader at the Plan Commission. No, not before Walker was elected, but just last night.

Monday Morning Round Up

Sorry, there was a pause for budget . . . which I still haven't finished blogging, but I will throughout the week . . . which I have off! Yay!

Capitol Lockdown: New Rules for Today

Today's events of note I know of . . . 12:00 - Arts WI marches to the capitol from the Concourse 1:00 - Trial Resumes 5:00 - Funeral March from Bascom Hill 5:30 - Rally at State St. Side. Now, the rules.

County Budget Process

The county has a much more extensive process for the public to participate in, but in many ways, it is much harder as you don't have copies of the amendments they are considering and you can't plan for their schedule if you are interested in something.

Public Workshops on Monona Terrace Station

The meetings are next week . . .

What’s the FBI Doing in Cherokee Marsh?

Oh, not that FBI . . . .

DRAFT Marquette Neighborhood Response to “Broken” Development Process

Here's their initial responses. They are still taking input until tomorrow at noon, so if you live in the neighborhood and have some thing to add, please do! Info on how, below.

How Much Affordable Housing Do We Need?

And how much would it cost? I've been working on some numbers and I am dying for someone to tell me I am wrong! Please.