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Capital Budget Department Request Highlights – Part I

So, here's many of the big items, minus streets, parks, water utility, sewer utility, etc which will be in part II. Items of particular interest in red. BK comments in purple. Note all the new TIF districts and the $62 million to fix up the area around the train station . . . and $70 million to move the bus barn . . .

Chief Koval: Take Another Look

No violence, eh? Seriously? Funny how a cop looks at video and thinks there is no violence but the people being arrested feel like (and sometimes scream out in pain) there is plenty of violence. It would be one thing if people were actually doing something worth getting arrested for, but as far as I can tell, the arrest that started this was for nothing. The police started this and it could all have been avoided.

4 Judge Doyle Square Proposals This Time

Hmmmm . . . . Friday afternoon news . . . . City Receives Four Responses to the Judge Doyle Square Request for Proposals

Upcoming Ways to Support Tenant Resource Center

Lots of events and ways to show you support, and boy do we need it given that we may be losing $90,000 or 1/3 of our budget because the county finally may have found a way to cut our funding!

County Board Recap . . . (Done)

Livish . . . mostly hear for the day center purchase, so that will likely be more detailed. But then again, there likely won't be much else they talk about.

Can they really hold Senators in Contempt?

Here's a legal opinion saying why they can't . . .

TRC’s Iron Chef Event Tonight!

No tickets needed, donate at the door ($25 suggested, but give according to your means!) It's the biggest competition we've done yet!!

The Conservatives Are Doing it and You Should Too!

Conservatives are launching a massive campaign to find reasons to overturn votes.  Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while, and...

Should We Allow Trapping in Dane County Parks?

Thanks to Ann Emerson for the contents below . . . last day to comment is today.

So . . . Who’s Runnin’ For Local Office?

Here's the city council and school board folks running in Madison so far . . . Filing deadline is January 3rd! 3 City Council incumbents have challengers and District 11 will have a new alder. And we have two races for School Board!

Grant Foster: City Restructuring of Transportation Committees and Updates.

I've been watching several of these issues, but not keeping up with them, so thanks to Grant Foster for letting use cross-post from Madison Bikes.

MMSD Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings Monday, May 1 5:00 p.m. Special Board of Education Meeting in Open Session - WORKSHOP - Doyle Administration Building 545 West Dayton Street Madison,...