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Two Meetings This Week on the Bench Ordinance

So, the meeting tonight is publicly noticed on the Weekly Schedule, the EOC meeting on Thursday is not. yet. noticed. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. If you can't make it, read on to get email addresses to let the committee members know what you think.

Latest “Update” on Judge Doyle Square/Exact Sciences

Board of Estimates had a special meeting yesterday to get an "update" on Judge Doyle Square. They give us very little information in public . . . then go into closed session. Who knows what they are talking about in all these closed session meetings (every Board of Estimates meeting has gone into closed session on this matter), but I guess we'll find out when they finally ram this thing down the public's throat, with little public input and about 3 days notice of the final "deal" they have worked out.

Fo’ Mo’ Meetings

So, freaking annoying. Why bother pretending there is a weekly meeting schedule.

County Week Ahead

21 meetings, 3 listed (some twice) with no agenda, 9 meetings before 5:30, 1 cancelled, 1 has minutes as an agenda?!

King Soglin Declares He’s Removing Art Installation at the top of State St.

Chief Koval requested it. Apparently art deigned to engage the public is attracting the wrong type of public and now its bad art to be removed. Note to artists: Your art must only attract the approved kind of people. The second piece of City installed art ever to be decommissioned if I have my facts correct. No public discussion, no public input, just gone!

City Week Ahead

19 meetings, 3 cancelled, 2 have no link to the agenda, 11 meetings before 5:30, you can get to 5 meetings if you work til 5:00, 4 meetings before 4:00.

What’s next on the “Bench” Ordinance?

NOTE: I will update this as I hear more info . . . changing questions marks to certainties. Well, the council introduced it last night, Mark Clear attempted to not vote on it being referred. Instead of (being allowed to) killing it quickly, it's now referred to 5 committees. Find out where, when? and who.

After 8 years . . .

The Dane County Housing Authority opened its waiting list for Section 8 for the first time since 2007 . . . for 4.5 hours . . . and 9 minutes.

Mo’ Meetings

As per usual . . . three more . . .

What will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Not. Much.

County Week Ahead

In August mode, only 10 meetings, and of course 60% before 5:30.

City Week Ahead

Only 16 meetings, expect many additions this week.