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Round Up

Wednesday Round Up 9/25/19

News, Tea with Satya, Water Utility poll, leaf pick up and more . . .

Alders Sponsor Resolution Against F-35s

"...the adverse impacts described in the Draft EIS will substantially reduce the quality and quantity of current affordable housing stock, decrease the value of the property tax base, reduce opportunities for Transit-Oriented Development, disproportionately affect children and families of color, and are contrary to the City of Madison’s values of equity, sustainability, health ..."

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Report

Say what? It's a fancy HUD title for a report that HUD requires the city to do every 5 years that shows, once again, just how racist and all the other 'ists Dane County is. This one is particularly focused on housing. If you've been following along, there are no surprises here. The big question is, will this report lead to action that actually impacts the people impacted by all the 'isms. The CDBG commission will be considering this tomorrow night. Particularly they will be discussing the priority of the strategies.

Yes! I am a Member of the PSRC!

Everyone keeps asking if I'm on the Public Safety Review Committee (PSRC) or not, so I asked and here's the official word!

An Elephant In Reformers Clothing

As we get closer and closer to the spring elections, more and more information about the candidates is emerging.  I already wrote an endorsement...

Does she, Cheatham and How!

Anyone in the Madison area, paying attention or not, knows that there are some serious races in the upcoming Spring elections, from the Mayoral...

Clear Choices On The Madison School Board (Jeff Simpson)

Tomorrow February 19 (Primary), and following that April 2, 2019(general), are important local/non-partisan elections for the State and the city of Madison.   In April...
Round Up

Round Up

A summary of a few things going on around town you might want to know about!

City Week Ahead

Last week I think only 2 committees met - this week it looks like 23 at the moment - of course that will change. The Common Council will try again to meet - for the third time. Water Utility will be talking PFAS, and more . ..
Round Up

Round Up

Now that everything is done being closed, where do wild creatures go when it's cold out, grace period to pay your property taxes, school board forum and more.

Opportunity Starts at Home – An Ambitious Federal Affordable Housing Plan

The following groups came together and created a plan for how they see the federal government making a meaningful impact on our affordable housing...

Following Up on Alder Candidate Reporting

So, I thought I should follow up since there were some errors on the clerk's website when I originally posted on the alder candidate...