Home Media Page 11


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Major Correction!

Council fixes their mistake.

What would it take for the Edgewater to move forward . . .

Read it and weep, neighbors . . .

What do you want in a new City Civil Rights Director?

Input needed! Live in person or by email. Personally, I'd like to see someone who cares passionately about fair housing and discriminatory housing patterns.

What does the Common Council want to discuss tonight?

What does the council want to discuss tonight? It looks Thuyelicious.

Alder Verveer Amendment on Overture for tonight

Michael May sent this out with a note that says: "Alder Verveer asked that I distribute this amendment that he will offer from the floor tonight. This language was agreed to by Alder Verveer, the Mayor’s office, the HR Director and me." Since when does an alder negotiate with staff for what they can and cannot propose to a resolution?

Bloggity Alders

Do you have one?

(Brief) Common Council Recap

This is s a draft, audio to be added later, its brief and live blogged.

2nd CD Fail

Today the Wisconsin Democrats from the 2nd CD held their annual convention where they elected a new CD chair. Congratulation go out to...

City’s Anti-Poverty Plan

Search high and low, I don't think you will find anything else in writing that includes the city anti-poverty plan, except in the largely dismissed obscure HUD report. i.e. Don't hold your breath waiting for something earth shattering.

Alternate, Alternate Resolution for Overture

And SCFL (South Central Federation of Labor) approves . . . This came out late Wednesday . . . From: Schmidt, Chris Sent: Wednesday, November...

Miss your Bus – Risk Getting Suspended

Yeah - this won't apply to most . . . but it applies to some . . .

City Week Ahead

It's a real shitshow this week . . . ALOT going on . . . ALOT!