Madison Schools Week Ahead
2 meetings, one today (summer school and Behavior Education Plan Revisions), one Wednesday (dissolving the City of Madison Education Committee). Can I just ask...
County Week Ahead
16 meetings, 4 cancelled, meetings at inaccessible times like 2:30, 3:45, 7am, 8:15am, 9am and 3 pm. Routine week, initial borrowing resolution includes $20M...
City Week Ahead
34 meetings, 2 without agendas, 3 cancelled and I'm sure several changes throughout the week. Meetings at inaccessible times like 3pm, 10am, 11am, 3:30pm,...
2019 Spring Candidates with Campaign Information
Here's your final Mayor, City of Madison Alders and School Board candidates with their websites, facebook, twitter, instagram, emails, etc. I'll update these as...
City, County and Schools Week Ahead
4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools
City, County and School Board Week Ahead
Only the city has meetings this week . . . and only has 3 meetings, or maybe 2 or maybe 1, not sure. No county or MMSD school meetings.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
School Officer Contract! Tonight - on the consent agenda?
County Week Ahead
22 meetings - several are joint meetings, so really there are only 18 meetings.
City Week Ahead
Still going strong before the holidays - 27 meetings - 3 are cancelled and of course the Police Policy Review Committee agenda is never available on Monday for their Thursday meeting. Only 3 of the meetings are before 4:00, which is also quite unusual!
Round Up! And Mo’ Meetings!
Good grief, its been years since I've done one of these (round up blog post), but here's what I've got! For those of you who don't even know what it is, its snipets of things going on around town - events, announcements, meetings, etc. Most items are just dug out of my flurry of emails I get every day! It can be a little random! Mostly items that aren't worthy of a full blog post unless I posted 10 times a day . . .
Council Recap
The council was done in a little over an hour, many sick alders in attendance. Bonds, a liquor license, alcohol moratorium, Jeff Erlanger Award and a moment of silence for democracy.
What will the Council talk about Tonight?
Only two items? We'll see . . .