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Madison Schools Week Ahead

EROs (Cops in Schools) to be discussed tonight.

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget but meetings still at 1pm, 2:30pm, 3:45pm, 8:15, 8am and 9am

City Week Ahead

This is somewhat of a mess, 2 cancelled meetings, 5 meetings listed in legistar with no agenda's, meetings listed on the weekly meeting schedule without access to agendas and one meeting with no agenda and two different times and locations listed. Plus meetings at 2pm, 1pm, 8:30am, 11am, 9 am, 12pm, 12pm, 2:30pm and 12pm.

City Week Ahead

Sorry - first meetings start in 1.5 hours . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings - 1st one starts in 3 hours!

County Week Ahead

Sorry this is late!!! Tenant Resource Center is nearly all moved and nearly all our computers are working -- kinda . . . and now after working 30 hours in two days, I'm able to do "fun" stuff!! A couple meetings on the jail and county board meeting includes lake levels committee.

School Board Week Ahead

Also very late . . . too busy campaigning this weekend.

County Week Ahead

Sorry its late! Busy campaign weekend!

City Week Ahead

It's a week where if you care about city government and attend meetings you'll have to be in three places at once, especially tonight.

Mo’ Meetings!

Well, this is irritating. The finance committee agenda for tonight no longer contains the capital budget, and the Policy Policy Committee has added and agenda - so this is amore thorough Mo' meetings than usual! These are two very important changes . . .

School Board Week Ahead

One meeting, today.

County Week Ahead

Also having public hearings on the budgets - 10 meetings, 3 cancelled.