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12 minute Finance Committee Recap

Item 2 (Anesis Center funding for mental health case management and community programming for Southeast Asision elders and individuals with mental health needs) was referred to the next meeting, more time was spent getting the mayor a pen (he had his tire gauge instead) than anything else.

Warming Center for Homeless Families and Single Women

First United Methodist Church will host a warming center for families and single women tomorrow. Here's the details.

WTF – Night THREE? of a Snow Emergency

Ok - now I think the city is just screwing with us . . . and by us, I mean those of us who live downtown. I wouldn't mind the snow emergency, if it actually meant the streets were cleared. As soon as my videos and pictures are done uploading and I'm done with my meetings - prepare for a serious rant! For now - here's the update . . .

Progressive Dane’s 2019 Slate of Candidates

I've spent quite a bit of the last month arranging interviews, reading questionnaires, interviewing over 20 candidates and arranging the General Membership meeting which I also chaired last night. It's was a lot of effort to get to this point . . . but it was worth it! Here's Progressive Dane's choices for the upcoming spring elections!

Tenants Rights During the Government Shutdown

This is for tenants that live in federally assisted housing (may include locally assisted housing too) or that get a federal subsidy. Affordable housing funding is incredibly difficult to figure out - but hopefully you know if you are in Project-Based Section 8 housing.

Know Youth Who Would Want to Serve County Government?

12 youth serve on county committees every year. They are full committee members and can participate in all the discussion, but their vote...
mo meetings

Cancellations and Mo Meetings!

City Meetings Cancelled today, and a few added for tomorrow and Friday.

No Common Council Meeting Tonight

It's been cancelled.

Catching Up with Oscar Mayer Area Strategic Assessment Report

The City of Madison Common council is about to adopt the report - meaning this will become city policy and directives, so what are they adopting? Here's a summary of the action taken and the summary of the 48 page report. It also includes a great appendix about Equitable Economic Development - which I think is the most interesting part of the report.
Round Up

Round Up

Random things happening around town and in local government.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

A couple cancelled meetings and meetings at 9am, 12:15pm and 12:15pm.

City Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings, but I know there are some missing - like the Task Force on City Government Subcommittee (oh, the irony) that meets on Friday at 2. There are also three other meetings in legistar with no agenda. So at least 25% of the meetings aren't yet noticed. Council meeting this week and I guess we'll see what else - look for Mo' Meetings!