Home Media Page 12


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

1st Time in 8 years! Cost of Living Increases for Nonprofits

Right as we're (Tenant Resource Center) getting defunded . . . yeah, that makes sense!

Spring Bike Fair

Want something less political this weekend, on May Day, this might be it.

Snow Emergency: We’re Towing! (jk)

No sign of towing in my 'hood. If they say they are going to tow and don't, then it just adds to the problem of not being predictable. My guess is tonight, people won't think they have to move because it is the third night of snow and the plowing was kinda atrocious/not so evident.

County Week Ahead

Also lots of cancelled meetings . . .

32! Meetings at the City Week Ahead

Wow. I wonder if its long because people are trying to get their notices in by Friday at noon so it is included...

County Week Ahead

Budget season . . .

Are Police Going to Start Ticketing the Homeless for Sleeping?

I wish I had more time to dig into this issue, but here's what I know . . .

Susan Pastor: Municipal Building – Offices? Or Hotel?

Madison’s Historic Municipal Building: City Offices or “Bold”, “Creative” Private Venture (and other problems with the Judge Doyle Square project)

County Week Ahead

Only 10 meetings (most of them on Thursday) . . . 6 start after 5:30.

Yard Waste Sites Open Sat, Pick Up Starts 4/6

Streets Department Updates

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's a slice of recent news . . .

Crazy Inappropriate

Sometimes, the good ol' boys give you a gem . . . Tonight, at the James Madison Park Surplus Committee, they elected a new...