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City Week Ahead

Rosh Hashana is today, so the schedules look a little unusual as they juggle to avoid meetings today and scheduling meetings during finance committee meetings on the budget.

What will the council talk about tonight?

Here's what they think they're going to talk about tonight . . . and they'll likely talk about anything people show up to testify about.

County Week Ahead

Only one meeting on Tuesday, none on Wednesday. County Board meets this week.

City Week Ahead

5 missing agendas, 4 cancelled meetings and meetings held at 3:00, 10am, 3:30pm, noon and 12:30. Council votes on wheel tax, water utility managers contract, drones and deckless scooters. Room Tax Commission meets to decide how to spend millions of dollars.

Report your flooding damage

Passing along an update on how you can report flooding damage, why its important to report and what might happen if you do report it.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Two meetings today . . . 450 more security cameras in schools and many policy changes along with the superintendent evaluation.

County Week Ahead

A dozen meetings . . . Human Services priorities, presentation on the annual audit, who needs to fill out a statement of economic interests, law enforcement grants and which parks fees are going up this year?

City Week Ahead

13 meetings, 7 today, 4 on Thursday. Meetings at inaccessible times such as 1:00, 8am, 11am, and 1pm. Landmarks with a full agenda (confederate markers, Quisling Towers, MATC Downtown), making deckless motorized scooters illegal, allowing full sized food trucks and more . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

One meeting. Wednesday.

County Week Ahead

10 meetings, 4 after 4:00, the rest are at 10am, 3pm, 9am, 3:45pm, 9am, and 11am.

City Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings after 5:00 this week, 2 at 4:30, the rest are at such accessible times as 12:15, 10, 11, 1:30, 2:30, 12:30, 1:30 and 11:30. 3 meetings in legistar not on the clerk's schedule, 2 missing agendas. Task for on Music and Equity is talking about policing, Room Tax Commission is looking at 2019 budget, Transportation Committee reviewing 122 State St. Hotel, Triangle Neighborhood Meeting and Police Policy Review Committee continues making recommentations.

Vote! Today!

Polls open at 7am, close at 8pm, you have plenty of time . . . its a partisan primary, so you have to choose which party you are voting for and only vote for that party's ballot - you can't vote for a few of each.