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League of Women Voters Challenges Voter ID

I'm sure they could use your help! I was excited about this for about 2 seconds until I remembered that Prosser is still on the Supreme Court . . . but I think it is important they do this. Find out more and who it will impact.

Annual Meeting reminder on Absences and Roll Call Votes for City

For the geeks . . . or for anyone else who actually wants to know how committee members voted.

Gypsy Moth Spraying Starts Today

Watch for those low flying planes. 15 sites in Dane County, 12 in the City of Madison.

Common Council Recap (Part 1)

I know I don't have it in me tonight to really do this, so its going to be brief.

Last Pre-Primary Dane County Executive Debate Tonight!

United for Funding, a group of coalitions and agencies that work in the human services field will be asking questions about Human Services issues, which is half the county budget.

Occupy Madison Building Purchase

If you ever worked on a real estate project, you know it lives and dies, sometimes daily. Today, the project is dead, for now. But the Isthmus just wrote a story that was, in my mind, premature. But hey, maybe someone out there can help us solve our current problem . . .

(City) Week Ahead . . . Maybe, Kinda, Sorta

Certain to change . . . but here's what I have for now.

How Bad Have the Needs/Funding Gaps in Dane County Gotten?

Here's a little taste from a few non-profits, NOT the Tenant Resource Center.

School Board Week Ahead

1 meeting, or 2, depending upon how you look at it.

Which of the 75 proposals ($2.5M) got the $200,000

That was a committee with a tough decision to make! And Shiva Bidar-Sielaff volunteered to be there!

Madison Common Council Unify on Antibiotic Resolution

Eight co-sponsors of the resolution were joined with all of the other Common Council Members to vote yes on Resolution 32795. Testimony from citizens...

Midweek Morning Round Up

Two days in a row . . . I hope I'm back on track for daily updates!