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County Week Ahead

County Board meeting will be held in Cross Plains this week. Meetings at such times at 12pm, 11am, 9am and 12:30 am.

City Week Ahead

Finance Committee will be talking wheel tax, Economic Development Committee will be talking TIF. Police getting nearly $1,000,000 added to their budget and body cameras. Meetings at such accessible times at 10am, 8:30 am, 8am, 1pm and 3pm. 3 meetings in legistar not on the weekly schedule.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Three meetings today . . . starting at 3:30 . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . . including police in the schools.

County Week Ahead

12 meetings, 2 cancelled, meetings at times like 10am, 2:30pm, 3:45pm and 1pm.

City Week Ahead

28 meetings on the clerk's agenda - 4 cancelled. Doesn't include Police Policy committee (and probably more) that still has no agenda. Meetings at such times as 9am, 10am, 11am, 11am, 1:30pm, 12:30 and 2:30. Items of interest this week include choosing who will replace Ald. Sarah Eskrich, 2 new alders being sworn in, passing the comprehensive plan for the city, downtown alcohol policies and wheel tax.

Government Structure Meeting?

Yesterday I went to the Government Structure meeting and they spent most of the time talking about housing and transportation - and other basic needs that people need met before they are going to participate in government.

Additional City Meetings

I stopped doing these cuz they make me mad . . . the "week ahead" is a farce. There are typically 4 - 10 additional meetings that pop up during the week and you have to do these daily to keep up. Here's the 4 meetings that showed up yesterday, there will likely be more this week.

Madison School Week Ahead

2 meetings tonight, press conference tomorrow.

County Week Ahead

Only 4 meetings this week. 3 of them at 3pm, 8:15am and noon. None on Monday or Tuesday.

City Week Ahead

Of interest this week: Buckeye/Cottage Grove Rd deal, adopting the Comprehensive Plan?, Government Structure Committee meeting at a normal time for a change (not during the day or a Friday night), 1st meeting of the two new Transportation Committees, tour the Cross Fit Games, Oscar Mayer Open House and more! Meetings at 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 8:30am - who attends these meetings? - most alders at work, many interested public members are too. 20 meetings this week, 4 are notices of possible quorum. 3 meetings in legistar not on clerks agenda, watch for those and others to appear throughout the week.

What Will (or did?) the Common Council Talk about Tonight

I'm posting this just when the council meeting is started . . . forgot it was Tuesday and got caught up in other things!...