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Jail Bird Results – Tresspassers for the Homeless

9 people, 9 different current results . . .leslie's photo

City and County Housing and Homelessness Updates

Last night the Homeless Issues Committee met - and they got updates and presentations on the County Affordable Housing Fund, the City Affordable Housing Fund, the Street Outreach Program as well as City and County Budgets, the homeless day resource center, Messner's site proposals for affordable housing, and the proposal to place a portapotty downtown for people sleeping outside - plus they talked about their priorities for the upcoming year.

Elections Matter!

When Judge Colas ruled that parts of ACT 10 were Unconstitutional, the Governor was quick to personally attack Judge Colas but never once mentioned...

Madison Police Cracking Down on Free Speech

What!? Taking a page out of the Capital Police playbook?

Zoning Code Rewrite, Comprehensive Plan Review and Development Process Revamp

It's all going on and coming to a close in the next month or two . . . so if its important to you, your last chances are coming up. I wonder if this political climate will tip these discussions, or if our local bigger businesses will continue with their favored status vs normal citizens who live in the City of Madison?

About that City Council Budget

So, after spending the equivalent of two work days blogging the City Council budget deliberations and 5 long blog posts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), I didn't have time to say what I thought of the budget process . . . and then it seemed it was too late, but I'm still thinking about it, so I'm blogging it now.

Madison Schools Make Up Plan

Revolution or not, the kids still have to be in school a certain amount of time, so here's the plan to add a few minutes to the school day to make up for the days kids walked out and teachers didn't show up.
Round Up

Round Up

Now that everything is done being closed, where do wild creatures go when it's cold out, grace period to pay your property taxes, school board forum and more.

I hate this last minute slimy campaign crap . . .

Seriously! When overly exuberant kids on campus do this crap its one thing you might overlook, when people who have been around politics for...

Latest Library Design Revealed Tonight

In case you have nothing better to do tonight . . . . I'm not sure how to cover Overture, the Emerald Ash Borer...

Snow Emergency!

Listen up - especially if you are new to living downtown! Tickets, tickets, tickets!!!!! Free parking in the parking ramps!

Make The Magic

One of my favorite charities - Camp Kesem - UW Madison, is having their annual fundraiser - Make the Magic. Make the...