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Progressives Endorse Szarzynski

Oooo, first alder press release in the races . . . at least the first one we have received since the announcements.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings - MSCR and Badger Rock.

Bus Stop Snow Shoveling Ordinance Likely Dead

I feel bad, that was kind of apparent at the last council meeting the Council wouldn't pass this ordinance - I don't think it even has one vote, but I didn't blog it and somehow it was missed by many in the media. While the council pretty clearly said this was a bad idea and the Mayor should address it or they would in the budget, the media came out slamming the council for an idea they clearly were looking for a different solution for. So, hopefully, CCOC and the budget will put this issue to rest.

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight? (Updated!)

This, and anything else anyone shows up to testify about or alders choose to pull off the agenda.

County Week Ahead

11 of 21 (52%) meetings before 5:00. You are now only half a citizen, cuz you are only allowed to participate in democracy half the time.

The City Week Ahead

Sorry, this is a day late, I felt AWFUL yesterday, still not feeling great today . . . sigh . . .

TIF, TIF, TIF and more TIF

Joe Gramacki, the City's TIF coordinator gives his quarterly TIF report to the Board of Estimates (city finance committee). It's a doosey. Developers ask, we bend over. (backwards, to help them).

What’s Left of the County Week Ahead

Only missed one meeting yesterday . . . 15 meetings left. Homeless Resource Center Concept paper, letting homeless use county address to get state i.d. and diversion workgroup.

Chamber of Commerce on Homelessness

When you can't win on the issues, argue the process . . . he didn't really talk about homelessness til the end, in fact, seemed to avoid it. Instead he threatened pre-emption.
city committee agendas

7/29/24 Madison City Week Ahead

So it's been a while . . . but I'm back!  Short blog, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's are a 5th day of the week so less meetings than usual.  25% of agendas missing (4 of 12)

What Will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Here you go, but remember, if anyone signs up to speak on an item, or if an alder changes their mind or didn't get to the agenda on time, they may also pull something not on this list for discussion.

Cars vs. Street Sweeping: Details Matter!

The age old dilemma, how do you get the downtown streets taken care of, when there are so many cars in the way? Apparently, not with the cities new "no parking 8 - noon on XXXX" policy." They will ticket, but STILL not sweeping the streets. I'm annoyed, only because with some attention to detail, the policy could have been done right and it could work for downtown. All pictures in this blog taken yesterday.