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The County Week Ahead

It's budget time!

Meetings Added Since The “Weekly” Schedule Appeared.

As usual, several meetings added. 3 for tomorrow, 1 for Thursday.

Walker Proposes Rollback of Complete Streets

Governor Walker's budget address on February third is getting a lot of press for the $1.3 billion of borrowing for transportation, but there is...

City Week Ahead

13 meetings, 6 start before 5:00. Shouldn't be many additions with the new rules, but we'll see.

County Week Ahead

20 meetings, 30% before 5:00.

What happened to Council Priorities and Reform?

The CCOC discussed it all - a year after their foray into creating council priorites - equity, affordable housing, transportation, etc - we probably have some results on these important issues right . . . oh, wait, that right, we changed the names of people and committees and it seems this discussion is done. It seems to be a major fizzle.

Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings and one press conference today.

Mayor’s Latest Brainfart

This is getting embarrassing. He's being irrational, contradictory with himself, lacks compassion and is just being mean, is coming up with silly solutions that don't work without talking to community stakeholders and ultimately, I'd bet it won't pass.

City Week Ahead

Judge Doyle Square and budget season.

What the hell does this mean . . .

If you have income, and it doesn't come from a job, you're apparently not worthy to live in Madison Development Corporation affordable housing unit. Um, I think that's discrimination based on (legal) source of income. Ahem, hope the Fair Housing Center is paying attention!

Enbridge Pipe Line Conditional Use

No public input allowed, but it is a crowded house!

Some Beaches Closed

I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.