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Housing is a Human Right – Now what will we do about it?

The City and County both passed resolutions declaring Housing Is A Human Right . . . and now we are holding a Summit, tomorrow, to talk about what to do about it! Copies are made, rooms reserved, packets being stuffed, panelists readying themselves . . . now all we need is you!

The Governors “tools” and the President’s “stimulus”.

Governor Walker has been in office for just a few months and they have been an eventful few months. Before he even took...

Morlino Goes Rogue

I have written before why I left the Catholic church. When Bishop Morlino fawns after hate talk radio host Vicki Mckenna, that defies the...

Petition Away!

After a full year of the City of Madison blocking electronic petitions, the signatures should start going through today! Yay! Unfortunately, how we got here was a little ugly

Sights and Sounds from Inside State Capitol Yesterday Morning.

It was crazy. While you were all locked out, I got a view from the inside. It wasn't pretty. People not arrested, but being physically dragged out of the area in front of the Assembly Chambers, media denied access to the event, Assembly Dems locked out of the chambers and in the middle of it all, Jesse Jackson. I explain the series of videos I posted yesterday, so you can see what you were denied access to.


This Saturday, May 21st, is “CityCampMadison” http://citycamp.barcampmadison.org/ The idea behind a CityCamp is to bring together people who are interested in "Civic Entrepreneurship" - creating solutions...

Fitchburg Follies

Things are rotten in Fitchburg and it is time the people there demand more. A few weeks ago, the Mayor of Fitchburg, Jason Gonzalez, considered...

The Big Con

"If you look around the table and you can't tell who the sucker is, it's you." Paul Scofield I was listening to 1310 WIBA-AM the...

JFC Co-Chairs Plan to Drop a Highway Bomb on Future Generations

...we can’t expect one generation to pick up the load for all these projects at the same time... Unfortunately, these projects are all coming to fruition at the same time... it’s up to us to figure out what are we going to do to continue...

Attorney May’s Investigation into Wrong-doing at Monona Terrace

Here's his initial report on his investigation. My first question is why did it take 4 months to have an initial hearing on an ethics board complaint?

Catching Up on Judge Doyle Square

Ok, I've been slacking, so while I'm catching up on everything, I thought I'd fill you in!

I hate this last minute slimy campaign crap . . .

Seriously! When overly exuberant kids on campus do this crap its one thing you might overlook, when people who have been around politics for...