Home Media Page 16


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Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

Tuesday dose of Additional Meetings

Apparently, its too hard to get this information to the clerk's office by Friday . . . grrrr . . . the usual suspects. Everyone else seems able to notice their meetings on time, more or less. 5 more meetings out of 18 means that they only published 72% of the schedule on Friday.

Another Victim

Governor Scott Walker and his Wisconsin legislative cronies have claimed another victim in their war on the locally owned "Mom and Pop" store! ...

Morlino Goes Rogue

I have written before why I left the Catholic church. When Bishop Morlino fawns after hate talk radio host Vicki Mckenna, that defies the...

Dane County Launches Independent Racial Equity Analysis of County Government Operations

This is kinda cool, good for them. I want the city to do this too!

Madison’s “Save The Train” rally is just the first step!

Today’s “Save The Train” rally in Madison was a call to action for High Speed Rail proponents.  Elizabeth Ward of the John Muir chapter...

City Parks: Changes? Keep what you like?

More planning going on, lots of meetings where you can voice your desires, concerns and support the things you love about our parks!

Anti-Democracy Full Speed Ahead!

Even if you don't care about the 50+ tenant landlord law changes in AB183 (22 tenants rights at the state level and 25 or more at the local level), you should care about the sham that the Assembly Republicans, Realtors Association and Madison Area Apartment Association are making out of our democracy. Bill passed in 15 days or less?

City-County War on the Homeless Reignited?

Blogging this morning from the floor of the city-county building, the scene of yesterday's ridiculousness. There are two guys on the steps watching the stuff...

MPD Latest and Greatest Police Training Video

I'm so tired of hearing that Madison Police are trained to national standards and there is no need for review. No need for review? Check this out! This is what you expect from other police departments, but not the national model police department here in Madison (Warning the content may be triggering, watch with caution)

Oops, they missed a meeting

Grrr. I haven't been posting when the city adds meetings, and now I'm realizing I'm not longer getting the notices, not since January 16th??? Here's one that is noteworthy. Sigh . . . looks like I've gotten about 80 notices of late meeting in 4 months. About 20/month.

County Executive Appoints Supervisors to Committees

This will require confirmation by the County Board. Committees are where the public has the best chance of seeing what the county board is doing.