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What we now know about the Veterans Housing on E. Washington Ave.

It sounds good to have housing for veterans - it does. But will veterans actually end up living there? They have a preference, but if no veterans apply, the housing will go to others. And, in reality, no homeless people will live there. Is that how we want to be using our tax dollars? ($2M of county funds, plus city funds?, plus other tax dollars?)

Capital Budget Department Request Highlights – Part I

So, here's many of the big items, minus streets, parks, water utility, sewer utility, etc which will be in part II. Items of particular interest in red. BK comments in purple. Note all the new TIF districts and the $62 million to fix up the area around the train station . . . and $70 million to move the bus barn . . .

Council Budget Discussion and Priorities

Each Council member takes 3 minutes to share their hopes, dreams and priorities. They didn't have any time left to discuss what each other said, but you can get sense of each council member's priorities.

Chief actually informing public in advance of Forums!

Nice change of pace . . .

County Week Ahead

New county board leadership and setting their rules of procedure for the next two years on TUESDAY (not Thursday)- possible exciting changes such as - letting the public testify at their budget meeting! Should be a no-brainer . . .

County Week Ahead

Only 6 of 24 meetings held after 5:00. 75% of meetings this week help when the public is likely not to be able to attend unless they are a paid lobbyist.

GOOD NEWS! I think some policies have changed at the Porchlight Shelters

Call me cynical, but I don't really believe it. It seems like so many people have different understandings of what the shelter rules are and it appears there is a really good reason for that.

County Week Ahead

3 of 9 meetings after 5:00. 33%, a failing grade.

What’s All the Fuss About

In my last post, I told you how the county parks staff sucks. Well, here's the resolution in question, the situation at Occu-Camp...

Mayor Candidate Debate on Homelessness

Moderated by the League of Women Voters, sponsored by Homeless Services Consortium, its a quick 45 minutes.

Why Doesn’t the City Hire Women in Leadership?

People of Color and People with Disabilities get hired - wages not so great. Women, not so good - in both getting hired and wages.

It is Thursday, So Here’s a Round Up

You know the routine . . .