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It’s Official – More Days in Single’s Shelter Starting Sept 1

Homeless single men’s and single women’s shelter days are being increased to 90 days effective September 1st. This is a temporary adjustment in an effort to encourage unsheltered homeless single adults to move inside. If you have questions please contact Preston Patterson (ppatterson@porchlightinc.org) or Melissa Sorensen (Melissa.sorensen@usc.salvationarmy.org).

End of Slow Week Friday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have . . .

Human Services 2017-2018 Work Plan

Damn . . . this was supposed to post on Thursday . . . still worth keeping your eyes on. What do you think? They are discussing it tonight!

Stop Wasteful Highway Expansions, No New Transportation Taxes, Fix Local Roads First

Concerned Residents of Cities, Towns Traveling to Capitol to Tell Gov. Walker: Stop Wasteful Highway Expansions, No New Transportation Taxes, Fix Local Roads First FOR IMMEDIATE...

School Board Week Ahead

3 meetings tonight, 1 Wednesday and a candidate forum on Wednesday.

City Council Recap (Live-ish)

This as good as I could do while sitting there. Updates coming.

DMI/CNI Mayor Candidate Forum

Minus Paul Soglin. The contest for who will run against him. Here's the video, the questions, cliff notes on the candidates responses and what my responses would have been (WWBKD)

City Week Ahead

Sorry - first meetings start in 1.5 hours . . .

5th Change to the Weekly Schedule?

Not even 24 hours notice this time . . . .

What the Council will talk About Tonight

At least this is what they might talk about . . . plus any item that the public might show up to talk about.

Got Downtown Property? Got ideas?

Last night, county staff said on multiple occasions that they are still looking for a site for the day center. The are filing a conditional use for Martin St. (Town of Madison) and have no clue if Bellini's would work, so they are still looking if people have ideas. Got ideas?

More Capitol B.S. -Only Public Hearing on Redistricting Wednesday 10am

Short notice. check. Limited public input. check. Public likely to be ignored. check. Angry and pissed off Wisconsinite....