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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Changes to Neighborhood Resource Teams

Returning them to what they were intended to be . . .

City Week Ahead

Meetings at 9am, 2pm, 2:30pm, 2pm, 8am, 1pm???

City Council Recap – Part 2

Here's Part 2 . . . Part 3 will have the remaining 4 issues the council talked about, including MG&E influence on development in the Isthmus and the panhandling ordinance.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/25/24

Last week of the month has a lighter schedule but still plenty of interesting things going on!

Occu-Potluck at Occu-Camp!

The Occupiers are back! Well, they've been scattered all over, but they never went away . . .

Mayor Explains Why TIF Needs Fixing

He spoke to the Economic Development Commission about why he thinks they need to review the policy. The mayor was 10 minutes late and they...

Judge Doyle Square Update

At least what they were willing to divulge in open session in about a half hour. I was surprised they did anything in open session, since it was noticed for closed session.

What is Wrong with the CDA now?

Seriously, wear perfume to a meeting and risk losing your Section 8 assistance?

Your Turn, Please Help.

If you read my blog even 1/3 of the time you are well versed to help . . . please email your alders and county board supes - it'll take only a few moments!

Panhandling Ordinance Delayed

Legal issues . . .

Another Round Up

So many meetings and things going on now that the holidays are over. ChiliOCRACY, Dane County TimeBank events, Community Building and Empowerment Funding, Emerging Opportunities Program, Street Closure 300 Block W. Dayton, Permaculture Guild Visioning Sessions, Green Downtown Program, Low-income dental clinic closing and Chief Koval community meetings.