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Long Weekend Round Up

I took Friday off and went to Ifdakamp . . . so here's a bit longer round up.

Heroic Efforts to Save People’s Lives

No matter what the officials might tell you, not everyone gets into shelter and in this cold weather, that could mean the difference between life and death. Check out what various churches, community volunteers and private citizens have been doing!

Barrett goes for Parisi

Another endorsement for Parisi.

New Year’s Bus Service

Extended rides tonight, limited rides tomorrow . . .

County Week Ahead

Hmmm . . . I don't know how we are supposed to know this, but the Sun Prairie Star says Joe Parisi is holding budget hearings: September 1 -- 5:30– 7 p.m., Fitchburg Public Library, 5530 Lacy Rd., Fitchburg. September 2 -- 5:30 - 7 p.m., Westside Community Service Building, 2598 W. Main St, Sun Prairie. It's certainly not on his website - last budget info on there is from 2013. Even the county board supervisors I talked to didn't know about it! Here's the rest of the county meetings.

Walker: I’m Keeping My Promise

Scott Walker's transition director has just released the following statement:     “Governor-Elect Scott Walker is going to fulfill his campaign promise to stop the construction of the Madison-Milwaukee...

City, County – What is the Plan to End Homelessness?

Join us in a march, rally and sleep out today. Starts at 4:00 at "the stones" on the top of State St., rally at 6:00 at the City-County Building and sleep out in solidarity with people without homes. Sign the petition, Email your electeds. When will we get serious about solving the issues for our brothers and sisters without homes?

Manski Out.

Groan. Um, would have been nice to know this three days ago - in the interest of "honesty and transparency". And democracy. And...

Listen as the Alders Explain Why They Voted for 8 More Police

It ain't pretty. So many of them were waffling more than I have ever seen, most of them listed all the reasons why they should vote no (it won't make us safer), then they voted yes. Check out how your alder did here and then email them and let them know what you think . . .

City Week Ahead

It's a week where if you care about city government and attend meetings you'll have to be in three places at once, especially tonight.

Take Action for Genele

From Freedom Inc, because no matter how the police explain it . . . this is not what we expect in our community. "Call District Ozanne to demand that there be no charges for Genele and she be released. 608.266.4211" Arraignment may be at 1:30 today . . . rally at 1:00 in front of the Jail.

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget but meetings still at 1pm, 2:30pm, 3:45pm, 8:15, 8am and 9am