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Update on Budget Participation

Everyone has been asking me about this, so here's a little news from today! Complete with dates and times of when you need to participate.

Tid Bits From Common Council Organizational Committee

This committee is the only committee that has only alders on it, so it is a good sign of things to come

Zoning Code Rewrite, Comprehensive Plan Review and Development Process Revamp

It's all going on and coming to a close in the next month or two . . . so if its important to you, your last chances are coming up. I wonder if this political climate will tip these discussions, or if our local bigger businesses will continue with their favored status vs normal citizens who live in the City of Madison?

Details of How Tenants Are Going to Get Screwed

So, we finally finished (as much as humanly possible) the analysis of the "modernization" of landlord-tenant law bill- this is the best we could do to explain the bill and issues in plain English.

SB107 Won’t Create Jobs, Just More Work

At the Tenant Resource Center today, we will be watching the State Assembly hearing today while trying to do our other work. We're just waiting for the hundredth shoe to drop, so we can start updating all our written materials

County Board: What will you to for Public Participation & Transparency?

11 of the 22 meetings this week that the county has listed (there are more that are not listed electronically) are held during the day. Not before work or during lunch, but 9 am, 1 pm. How are the public and the elected officials with day jobs expected to be able to participate? At the county level, this is particularly problematic as by the time something gets to the county board, its decided. All the action happens in committees and their meetings are over in 45 minutes and even that is mostly just announcements.

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead

7 meetings! No more debates! Don't forget to vote Tuesday!

Carol Lobes: A Bill of Pariculars

Governor Scott Walker and Republican Co-Conspirators’ Blatant, Divisive Actions to Destroy Cooperation and Collective Bargaining in the State of Wisconsin

A Plan for Madison

At the EDC meeting tonight, Tim Cooley had a comment about going back to John Nolen's plan for Madison. Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Here's what Nolen wrote a century ago and how we're doing with it today.

Public Protection and Judiciary

Did you know that if the Sheriff's Office raises money, they can spend it however they want without oversight from the county board or the public? (about 12 minutes in) And, did you know that some communities aren't paying their share of costs for the radio communications system (DaneCom) - they wouldn't say on camera which one's. (that's about a half hour in) That will be privately emailed to the committee members.

Joe Parisi Can’t Be Serious!

I haven't seen anything so petty and disgusting and hearless since the days of Dave Cieslewicz

Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc Mayoral Forum: January 20th, 7pm.

The Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc (CNI) Program Committee is hosting a Madison Mayoral Forum on January 20th at 7pm. John Nichols of the Capital Times...