Home Media Page 17


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66 vacancies on city committees

Whew! You should think about applying! I can't get appointed, but you should try!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Just two meetings - but one is the committee looking at police in the schools and the small groups will be finishing their review of the recommendations.

County Week Ahead

12 meetings - some at such accessible times at 10am, 3pm, 8:30am, 3:45pm, 10am, 12:15pm . . . when only those who are paid to go to these meetings can attend.

City Week Ahead

22 meetings, 3 don't have agendas, 1 isn't on the clerk's list of meetings, 2 are cancelled and 4 are held during the day when its likely only people paid to be there can attend (12:15, 8:30, 2:00 and 12:00) and ?? changes throughout the week.

Opening on the County Board – George Gillis resigning.

Know anyone in this district . . . the purple horizontal line is McKenna, the top boarder is Balsam.

Mayor Soglin’s Budget Info for 2019

Here's the email to the council about the $17 wheel tax ordinance (or, as the policians prefer it be called, the vehicle registration fee or vrf), the budget message, overview slides and the one0pager on the budget outlook.

Gassing Geese in Madison?


Madison Schools Week Ahead

4 meetings, 3 of them are tonight!

County Week Ahead

8 more meetings before 4pm . . . 12pm, 1:00, 2:00, 8:15, 8:30, 9 - you available to go to any of those "public meetings?

City Week Ahead (Updated)

10 meetings before 4pm - do you know folks who an attend "public meetings" at 3:30pm, 8:30am, 1:30 pm, 10am, 8am, 12:30pm or 2:30pm? Can our alders attend during those times?

County Executive Appoints Supervisors to Committees

This will require confirmation by the County Board. Committees are where the public has the best chance of seeing what the county board is doing.