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No Common Council Meeting Tonight

It's been cancelled.

Plan Commission Hostility to Hearing from the Public?!

So, long story short. The city wants to put a bike path through the back of the Tiny House Village, removing 6 of the 9 houses. There could possibly be some additional land given to the village - and we could put 6 houses there - but that a crap ton of work for a volunteer group of people to do just to come out even. We've been talking to the city, nothing has been settled on and yesterday, this issue popped up on the plan commission agenda, much to our surprise! What happened next was even more surprising.

Baldwin -> Pocan -> Taylor . . . Roys -> ?

Let the games begin! The dominos are falling. I sure hope that this all works out . . .

Marsha Rummel: On Homelessness Efforts

I asked all the alders to respond to the Mayor's letter, Marsha was the only on to do so, so far. Her response is illuminating.

Answer to What’s Going on at First St and Winnebago/Eastwood

From Alder Rummel . . .

City Week Ahead

12 meetings? I bet there's a whole lot more we find out about on Monday and Tuesday!

City Week Ahead

Today there are meetings at 9, 10, and 2, Wed at 7:45, 10 and 11, Thursday 2 meetings at 8 am. One Friday at 3:30. Are these meetings they expect the public to go to? Or actively DON'T WANT THE PUBLIC TO ATTEND? I find this frustrating. 23 meetings this week, 14 start before 5pm.

Finance Committee Recap

They had a huge agenda, 38 items, but the meeting was only an hour and a half. And 12 minutes of that was waiting for it to get started. They discussed 6 of the 38 agenda items - personnel changes, the merger of the Treasurer's Office and Finance, leasing equipment from the Navy for the police department, the Public Market, EOP funding and Tree Lane.

Why I Left The Catholic Church

They say a picture says 1000 words and this one most certainly does. When the Bishop of my Catholic Church decides to...

County Week Ahead

Whoa.  Several serious flaws in these "agendas" or lack thereof. Monday Public Works Sustainability Subcommittee 11:00 AM City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Junior Blvd.,...

Anti-Tenant Bill – Back to the Drawing Board

It was a "hot mess" as the kids say! So many issues with AB561/SB466 were raised during testimony yesterday, that they have to redraft the bill or make multiple amendments to clarify and fix unintended consequences.

I’m Speechless

This is one of the hardest posts I ever had to write and to add insult to injury, I completed it and then lost a bunch of work. So I'm just now getting around to trying to post something about what happened last Tuesday. I still can't believe a government could just pick up and relocate a group of people to a remote location out of sight and out of mind and . . . oh, nevermind. The irony of this happening at Thanksgiving just gives me images of what we did to Native Americans early in our country's history . . . I thought we had learned from that, but I guess not.