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Parisi on TV: The official announcement

I scooped them on their own story by accident . . .

County Week Ahead

Sorry its late! Busy campaign weekend!

Get your Norwegian on!

Krumkake, lefse and . . .no luteisk?

Mayor’s New Policy on Department Websites and Social Media

Hmmm . . . let's check it out!

Major Announcement In Madison

January 16, 2016, is Martin Luther King day. Many people had the day off and there were events all over the state honoring...

Madison Property Management – Doesn’t Care about the Law

Students, renters, beware. They have no qualms about violating your rights if you live downtown this weekend, or anytime else.

Plans for the Top of State St.

Again, I ask, where is the public input about this . . . and I'd love to see these "resources" of which they speak, the "code of conduct" and the pamphlet. And I can't help but ask, why does anyone have to follow a "code of conduct", the Chief doesn't. If he doesn't have consequences, why should anyone else?

New Obstacle to Allowing Homeless to Legally Camp

The city and county are just bound and determined to keep it illegal for homeless to camp anywhere in Dane County. Here's the latest obstacle the County Parks Departments sprung on us yesterday within two hours of being in the campground - their new magical rules they made up.

Catching Up: Police and Fire Commission on police chief hire

On Tuesday the Police and Fire Commission is meeting and only has one item on the agenda.  It has some information about how they will be gathering input.

City Week Ahead

Sorry for the delay, I worked 25 hours between Friday night at 6pm when our office closed and 3:30 am this morning. Nonprofit work is ridiculous. Anyways . . . that's over now! 21 meetings this week, on allegedly scheduled at 6:30 am on Wednesday, 8 of them scheduled before 5pm

Heritage Foundation’s Spin on Protests

A wonderful example of the reality distortion field that Scott Walker is putting Wisconsin into: Wisconsin Union Protest: Myth vs. Fact In the video, protesters...

County Budget Woes

Talk about setting yourself up for failure, you knew the 2.9% increase was too good to be true. Check out some of these...