Home Media Page 176


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

What is wrong with people?

Who planned this?! Are they completely unaware of what happens on August 15th every year? And yet connected to the University? Seriously peop0le.

Citizen or Candidate Konkel?

Jesse Russell asks a good question about my blogging here on Forward Lookout. Jesse's question should be expanded to my radio and television show...

Support Homeless Issues Committee at County Board Tonight

More wrangling over the lack of a comprehensive day center for this winter . . . how should we spend the $60,000.

Koval Violates Code of Conduct?

Should someone file a complaint?

Progressive Dane: City Must Act Swiftly to Address Police Killing

The press release sent out last night calling on the council to act.

Chief Koval: Take Another Look

No violence, eh? Seriously? Funny how a cop looks at video and thinks there is no violence but the people being arrested feel like (and sometimes scream out in pain) there is plenty of violence. It would be one thing if people were actually doing something worth getting arrested for, but as far as I can tell, the arrest that started this was for nothing. The police started this and it could all have been avoided.

Funding for a DOWNTOWN Day Shelter!?!

Ok, maybe there will be funding!  And at half the price for the study to determine if we need a new jail! Let's do this...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Hmmm, the item in the "library" is from last week . . . so there more may be more meetings, but I don't know how to find out where they are. Also, these are the legal notices, so if its wrong . . .

About those City Budget Conversations . . .

They seem really poorly attended this year, which just means if you have a special issue, you'll get all the more attention!

Just for fun

A nice tribute to badger hoops and the desperation of the Bruskewitz campaign.

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

Beacon Rules!

So, I went to the meeting about the Beacon the other day. Neighbors are upset about police calls, police say its getting better, the Beacon staff did their best to say very little and get people out of there as quickly as possible. During the meeting and on the news they said that they patterned their rules after the library - so what are their rules? Let's take a look.