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City Week Ahead

Shitshow as per usual. Hard to tell what is going on - 5 committees missing agendas, 2 in legistar not on weekly schedule . . . do any of our elected officials care that the public can't tell what the hell is going on unless they are an insider? Do the insiders even know? It's absurd you have to look in 2 places to put together one week's worth of agendas and the info is all so confusing and incomplete. Please ask them to be more transparent and fix this! allalders@cityofmadison.com and mayor@cityofmadison.com

Allied Drive Neighborhood Says Hold On Mayor Dave, We’re Not Done Yet!

Mayor Dave says Madison has no more troubled neighborhoods, and data will prevent future problems. Allied Drive Neighborhood disagrees.

Sunny Kept Us In The Dark…

In the Monona/Cottage Grove area,while we are a decent size community and many people read www.madison.com for their print/online newspaper, we have a respectable...

Imagine Madison: An Update, What’s Next?

So, the City of Madison is doing its comprehensive planning update that is required every 10 years. This is what drives most development decisions in the city . . . well, this, and TIF and other government hand outs. Where are we at and what's next? And how will you get involved? Unless, of course, you don't care how the city develops (until its next door to you!).

Downtown Placemaking: The Power of 10

The Power of 10 is an idea developed and promoted by the Project for Public Spaces: http://www.pps.org/articles/the-power-of-10/ From the Project for Public Spaces web site: “At the...

Police Chief Mike Koval Found Guilty!

Madison Police Chief Michael Koval has been found, by the Madison Police and Fire Commission, guilty of violating MPD Code of Conduct for verbally harassing Sharon Irwin.
The PFC fully agrees with both the language and the spirit of the Standards of Conduct. The PFC, in its limited range of authority (hiring, promotions, discipline), continually attempts to ensure that all sworn officers, from patrol officers to the chief, fully understand, appreciate, and adhere to those Standards. We hire the Police Chief. In our role of hiring the City of Madison Police Chief, we expected our Police Chief, as the leader of the Department to serve as an example for the entire Department, and always be beyond reproach no matter how frustrated or how harassed he or she may feel. Respondent failed in this instance.
Of course, he was not disciplined.

Day Center Operator Quits After More Delays (Updated)

Yesterday the Town of Madison voted to appeal the Board of Adjustments decision, delaying the Town of Madison (1490 Martin St.) location for a day center. Here is Shine 608's decision to not continue being strung along.

Demolition Updates

I'm working on a history of demolitions, looking for trends, but for now, here are all the (31) demolition proposals since my last update . . . in September.

Round Up! And Mo’ Meetings!

Good grief, its been years since I've done one of these (round up blog post), but here's what I've got! For those of you who don't even know what it is, its snipets of things going on around town - events, announcements, meetings, etc. Most items are just dug out of my flurry of emails I get every day! It can be a little random! Mostly items that aren't worthy of a full blog post unless I posted 10 times a day . . .

Let The Battle’s Begin!

Today, the newest Wisconsin legislature will be sworn in and then they get to work(which is good because the Wisconsin legislature has not worked...

Council recap

44 minutes . . .

Students – Don’t rely on Landlords for Tenant’s Rights Info.

Duh. Right? I guess not.