Home Media Page 18


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County Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings . . .

2 Cancellations and 5 Added City Meetings

You knew it was going to change - 7 changes in the next 2 days . . . seriously, what is the point of a "weekly schedule".

Surface Bubble – By Mary Jo Walters

The Mary P. Burke, 'The Bubbler' is where the Madison Public Library's Central location polling station is located. If true, does that mean that her name will have to be covered up on voting days?

The Plundering of Village(Cottage Grove)Government!

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” – Thomas...

Wisconsin Primary Election Day – August 9th

In what seems like is happening almost monthly in WI, another election day is upon us. Tuesday August 9th is the partisan primary...

Last Chance: County Board Budget Amendments

Tonight and Wednesday is your last chance to publicly testify on county board budget amendments. After that, its emails and phone calls if you want to have your voice heard - including on the final "uber-amendment" that passes finance and the final county board meeting on November 20th - no testimony. Here's what they have to be considered tonight, and "the disappeared" for tonight. I'll be livestreaming tonight on Facebook.

Know Youth Who Would Want to Serve County Government?

12 youth serve on county committees every year. They are full committee members and can participate in all the discussion, but their vote...

Half Time Council President Proposal is Silly

This reeks of someone trying to score political points and ignores the real issues they should be addressing.

Random Round Up

Public Market Forum and meetings, Warner Park Visioning, Neighborhood House Community Rummage Sale, Madcity Chickens 2015 Backyard Coop Tour and Madison Bus Route changes.

An Overview of Bus Rapid Transit by Al Matano

I organized an informational meeting on the on the future of transit in Dane County prior to the August meeting of the Dane County...

Progressive Dane Calls on City Council To File Complaint Against Chief Koval

When is comes to policing issues, the Madison community has been through a significant amount of divisiveness and turmoil again this month. It started with the threatening and inflammatory blog by our Chief of Police, Mike Koval. This was quickly followed by his contentious and disrespectful antics at the council meeting of June 7th. And when things started to cool down politically, the community was rocked by the shocking video of Madison police officers beating, kicking and tasing a young black woman, Genele Laird.

Have Abacus Will Travel

I have written before of the the right wings veiled attempts to privatize public education. I have also pointed out that while they...