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No Lull County Week Ahead

14 meetings at the county . . .

Today’s exercise in stupidity . . .

I'll be in court tomorrow, but I wanted to get this in writing in case I'm not allowed to speak.

City to Intervene in MG&E Rate Case

Well, request to . . . minimum $10 payment now, could be $49 in the future.

Tonight: Re-affirming Reaffirmation of Madison as a “Sanctuary City”?

The council will be voting for a third (or likely more) time tonight to protect immigrants rights in the City of Madison and essentially call itself a "sanctuary city" or as some call it "sanctuary-city lite". The first was in 2002, then again in 2010 and now in 2017.

Hotel Business Boomin!

City expected to take in $663,000 extra in hotel taxes . . . sadly, that can't go toward police or streets or community...

Referendum for Large City Projects

The city usually borrows for projects with 10 year payback periods, but they are looking at doing some projects with 20 year payback periods. When they do that there is a different process and a chance for referendum. Wonder if they will give us that opportunity for Judge Doyle Square?

Immigration as a Moral Issue (Day One 9/18)

Leila Pine and the James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Church have embarked on a class to explore the issues. They asked me to video tape it and I felt the issue was important enough to do so. So, here's day one (September 18th). Later this week day two, and hopefully day three!

Managing Scarce Homeless and Housing Services

Here's a little frustration of mine with homeless and housing services. Here today, gone tomorrow (or next week). Too much need!

Something To Think About

On October 28th 2013, Democrat Mary Burke launched her campaign to be the next Governor of the great state of Wisconsin. When...

Monthly City of Madison Water Bills Start in September

Alder Marsha Rummel passed this on from Alder Lauren Cnare . . .

Homelessness up 35 – 44%, Services Down

So,numbers came out yesterday on the annual count of the homeless in the Madison/Dane County. The numbers are grossly undercounted since we only count in Madison, and there are serious questions about how the count is done, simply because homeless people usually try NOT to be found, so they are likely missed. The increase since 2011 is really disturbing. The simultaneous decrease in day shelter services, especially in the winter, is nothing short of disturbing. No surprise, really, if you follow my blog.

What will the Council talk about Tonight?

2 reconsiderations and extra money for Heartland Housing.