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Singing for the 1st

Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Nathaniel Macon One thing that is common place...

TRC Defunded by County

$95,000 or 40% of our budget. No more services to people outside of the City of Madison, no more housing lists, no more eviction prevention dollars, no more mediation project?

Board of Estimates Meeting tonight!

Didn't make the weekly schedule - but was posted at 9:05 this morning.

Bummer . . . Homeless Services “Break”

Yes, they are broken in so many ways, but this is just First United Methodist Church taking a "break" for building maintenance and administrative issues - but still, this will likely cause a little havoc. The showers are covered, but what about the sack lunches? I know a lot of people who use them since they can't use the food pantries without an address in most cases.

County Week Ahead

More meetings than I would have thought for the last week of the month.

City Week Ahead

It's sure to be wrong, but here's the publicly available information as of this morning before the clerk's get back to work . . . and then who knows what will change, will try to keep you updated with their changes. Lots of (no links) again. :(

Finally, A List of Potential Day Center Sites! (UPDATED!)

Well, looking at the list, it is a little embarrassing. Please send in any ideas you might have. UPDATED: RFP reissued!

Legal Info for Capitol Arrestees (Singers and Observers)

Reposting, by popular request, now with the pamphlet actually linked! doh! Thanks to Madison Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.

Neighborhood Meeting to Discuss Tearing Down More Historic Buildings

Contributing Buildings in Langdon Neighborhood Proposed for Demolition for Apartment - neighborhood meeting next Wednesday.

They’ll pay you to take this house!

Free house, plus they will give you the costs to demolish it if you take it. free house

4 (or 5?) changes to the City Week Ahead

I thought we were getting better, but I spoke too soon!

Invite to Particiapte in Updating County Comprehensive Plan

Wait! I know it sounds boring, but it could be really important to you!!!!