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Oscar Mayer Listening Session Wednesday

Alder Rebecca Kemble posted this:

(No link) City Week Ahead

So annoying when the clerks office doesn't have the links to the agendas. If I have time I will hunt down the links, but I"m guessing no time before going to work.

Dane County Board Budget Deliberations – Operating Budget

Here's the the lovely details of the few amendments made from the floor. . . they passed their operating budget in 35 minutes. No public testimony.

In Defeat, Victory

Even when the results are largely to be expected, defeat in justice still hurts. Such was the case with hearing of the all...

Kathleen Falk: Governor’s Budget Math Inaccurate, Incomplete

Walker's fuzzy math?

TRC at Central Park Sessions Thursday!

CPS-Single-logo Hey, hey, hey! Buy your raffle tickets from Tenant Resource Center when you go to the Central Park Sessions this Thursday to see The Silk Road Session July 30th at Olbrich Park . . . did that say Olbrich Park, why yes it did! 5:00 pm– Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble, 6:30 pm— Dengue Fever and 8:30 pm —Hanggai (Inner Mongolia)

County Week Ahead

6 meetings . . .

Metcalfe’s 800 E Wash Project Doomed?

Uh, in this town, when the unions are against you . . . you have trouble getting votes on the City Council. Wonder how the committee that meets tonight will respond.

Late Breaking Info on Judge Doyle Square

Guaranty and Parking info.

More City Meetings You Don’t Need to Know About

One notice from yesterday, 2 from this morning . . . one of them is a "listening session" with 28.5 hours notice! And no agenda. Seriously people! You can't make this shit up.

County Week Ahead

Tabled at WORT this weekend and spent 7 hours writing a grant . . .so I have all the time in the world to do this at work . . . but its near impossible with all the interruptions, hope I didn't do a lot of stupid things with these posts . . . feel free to let me know.

Letter to Paul Soglin’s Assistant

What are you going to do to help the homeless?