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AirBnB yes, Camping?

Priorities! Council is going to address AirBnB issues, but still nothing on camping. Travel for the rich ok, the not so rich, not so welcome.

Lakeview Nurses Dorm Needs County Board Approval to be Demolished!

Not so fast! Parks and Human Services staff will not be able to proceed with their plans to demolish the Lakeview Nurses Dorm without County Board approval.

County Week Ahead

Sorry this is a day late, only missed one meeting.

City Week Ahead

Some of the usual suspects that turn their agendas in late got in on time this week . . . interesting. It can be done! Now if we could just get handouts and links to hand outs in advance of the meetings.

$1.2M in Revenue for the City Budget?

Or more? So, if the city were to ask large non-profits (like hospitals, but not religious institutions) to pay for police, fire and snow plowing services, they could increase their revenue by at least $1.2M a year. Do we have the political will to do that?

Should the City Step-up on Bed Bug Education?

This is from the last tenant-landlord committee meeting. In full disclosure, Charlie is not only a volunteer at the Tenant Resource Center, but he is...

Only one last minute City Addition

Hmmmm, this week there was only one last minute addition to the schedule - a distinct improvement! Or a fluke?

Tiny House Fundraiser Tonight!!!

I can't believe that anyone who knows me or reads what I write doesn't know about this by now but just in case you need a reminder, tiny house fundraiser tonight!!!!

County Week Ahead

9 meetings.

Sure to be Screwed Up City Week Ahead

Here's what they want you to know about, but several meetings will be added soon after I post this - some with just a little over 24 hours notice. Those are the meetings they don't want the public at. Or, are the committee staff just totally inept. I'd guess the former. To add to the uselessness, many "no link" items this week.

Breese Stevens Field Opened Up!

If you're not a soccer fan and haven't been in Breese Stevens Field (City Park behind cement walls on 900 block of E Washington) here's your chance to go see Shakespeare there!!!

Seven, bwa, ha, ha ha, ha

I feel like the count from Sesame Street . . . Seven changes to the joke that is called the "weekly schedule" for the city.